Packed and ready for transport

Fr., 3. Juli 15 | By More

With all the accessories packed and boxed locked, we have moved our equipment to Freienbach one week ahead of the Gymnaestrada.

The box was prepared for shipment as usual in Windisch. Lashed on the trailer and then transported towards Freienbach. Some loose material, such as our dresses were temporarly placed into the towing vehicle.

CAM20150703-19_08_54Arrived once in Freienbach, we were welcomed warmly by the waiting team. They spent the waiting time with eating some sausage and enjoying soft-drinks. Thanks to the forklift, unloading was also done fairly quickly. Time consuming was only the stowing of the dresses and and the spare screws, as well as the labeling of the last material boxes.

CAM20150703-19_35_03We were able to present the inside view of the box to the driver. The good use of space and professional labeling triggers a lot of praise.

Now we hope that the equipment with a planned journey time of three days is being well received in Helsinki. After we met the driver, we are confident that this will work.

The transportation box provides some space for tools and the wheels in the front. At the other end, the actual climbing device is accessible..

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Category: Gymnaestrada E